Sunday, February 26, 2006

Singin for dinner

We had Heidi's friend-birthday celebration last night (which was an interesting choice, because it also happens to be the birthday of three other friends of mine). There were a whole mess of Heidi's friends who I sort of know, my friends who Heidi sort of knows, and Matt, who we're both pretty close with (but has about 12 years more history with Heidi than I do). Fortunately, we're doing as pretty good job of making each other's friends our friends. Anwyay, this was done at a fun little Vietnamese place, that has cheap Asian knockoff Karaoke. It took them a while to actually bring out the English songlist, but we made do with what we had. I was a little uncomfortable with getting up and singing, but once I did (actually, once Lisa got up and did "Fame" very flamboyantly) the stopper was unplugged and I was in full-on ham mode. My best performance was probably "Sweet Child of Mine" with Dan, despite the fact that I don't particularly care for the song. Towards the end of the evening Matt sang a song he wrote called "You Have New Mail" sort of to the tune of "A Whole New World." He sang it intentionally off key, and it had been more fun reading the lyrics. But as Lisa was the catalyst to get the party started, Matt ended up being the catalyst to finish the evening at a reasonable time. But in all, it was a fantastic time.

There will actually be two more celebrations of Heidi's birthday, one with just her and me, and one with the family. I'll post more on those later.

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