Tuesday, April 08, 2008

20 things for which John is thankful

I've been kind of limited with the blogging thing as of late. There's a lot going on, but I have no desire to discuss it here.

Anyway, I’ve been thinking about things for a few days. There are a lot of things that are in this world that are really cool, that make me feel all warm and squishy for no reason other than that they exist. I’ll make this list about what God has designed into the universe; nothing man-made will appear on this list (and yes, I understand the conundrum of how much is us and how much is Him in great works). This is just a list of things that make me happy, in no order whatsoever:
1. Magnets
2. Waves
3. Clouds
4. Stars (the Sun is included in this)
5. The moon
6. Thunderstorms
7. Trees
8. Mountains
9. Desert
10. Large expanses of water (such as oceans and huge lakes where you can’t see the other side)
11. Volcanic islands
12. Cats
13. Dogs (particularly big ones)
14. Wind
15. The sky
16. Day
17. Night
18. Fresh air
19. New fallen snow
20. Fire


Zach said...

Heh, I like magnets, too.

Tracy Lee V said...

Well, I like the rest of the things. So there, Zach!

Good to see you back on here, friend. I wondered if you disappeared...

Mattox Beckman said...

Yeah, magnets are cool. And fire. Hm... magnets on fire, now *that* would be cool. Oh, well, actually, it would be hot. 'Cause it's on fire.