Thursday, November 03, 2005

The Onion may help my V.O. career

Last night at Kafein I was reading this article to Heidi in a breathless announcer voice with a hint of an English accent, because that's how I thought it was written. It sounded really good. She thought I should use that for my Voice Over demo tape, and it was just one of those things that make you go hmm. It'll take a bit of editing, but that could be a great prepared monologue for comedy auditions in general. This was a good shot in the arm. Forget the Cisco classes, I need to get the voice coaching up and running. I need to get a voice-over demo going, so I can get some work that does more for me than pay a decent wage and get moving on with my life.

So thanks again, Heidi, and thanks for the first time, Onion. You are inspirations.

1 comment:

heidi said...

you're very welcome :) but you have such a lovely narrative voice, you could probably read nutrition labels and it'd sound great. How 'bout reading the disclaimers from those bags of WOW chips? Y'know, the ones w/ olestra in 'em, and say something on the packaging about "loose stools" and/or "anal leakage." hee hee. :D