Tuesday, February 13, 2007

John's Heroes Theories

Warning: Spoilers ahead. Also, if you don't watch NBC's series Heroes, you're going to be a bit lost.

OK, here's my theory about the end of this season. I've had it since December, but I'm sharing it now, as it seems to be leading in that direction.

We've all seen Peter's vision of him being the bomb that blows up New York, but I postulate that it is not him that is the "bomb," but Sylar. Both absorb powers, and both have a lot of them flowing around inside there. But here's something to note: Peter didn't start having his visions of him blowing up until he was near Sylar. Neither of them have a history of exploding, obviously, but Peter just has a lot of thoughts/powers/feelings running around in his head. Sylar has a blood clot running around in his. Remember Charlie, Hiro's girlfriend/obsession? The reason she didn't like to get close to people was that she had a blood clot that could turn into an embolism "at any moment." And Sylar ate her brain. Peter's absorbed maybe ten powers, hardly fuel for a significant explosion; Sylar's absorbed hundreds.

That's where I think the "Save the cheerleader, save the world" came in. It's not the explosion that's the end of the world (although I'm sure Our Heroes will do all they can to stop that), it's the fact that if Sylar ate Claire's brain, he'd be able to heal himself. He'd heal his blood clot without even knowing it was there. If he were to absorb Claire's power, he'd effectively be able to kill every super individual and claim godhood over the world.

Now, the explosion: We've seen the guy who can irradiate things by force of will, but he's been a nonentity. He shows up in a scene or two, and we're done with him for three or four episodes(maybe he plays a bigger role in the website stuff, I haven't checked that). It is my considered guess that Sylar will eat his brain, get the embolism and nuke the city. I'm actually guessing that the explosion won't happen (or at least not in New York), but that's how I see Hiro's vision of the future coming together; we don't lose one of the series' main characters, we lose the bad guy who really can't stay alive for another season for the drama to be effective.

If anybody has any thoughts refuting or confirming this, I'm all ears. If not, I'm cool, too.

1 comment:

Jake VanKersen said...

I like this theory and I can see it playing out. I have liked watching Peter and Sylar grow in their powers because they are essentially on the same spectrum, just at different ends.

Though I don't know about the blood clot, would he absorm that? I felt like that maybe the clot was just to prove that Hiro can't change destiny