Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year!

We stayed at Heidi's parents' last night, having spent most of the evening watching the first season of Lost (there had been different plans; they fell through). We got up ealry because I had to work at chuch this morning, and, as we were driving east at 7:00 am, we saw a gorgeous sunrise. This is how to start the New Year: watching a beautiful sunrise, with my finacee by my side, heading to serve God.

Anyway, I hate New Years resoultions, because they're meausred by how quickly you break them. I prefer goals, so you can look back at the year and see how successful you were. Here are some goals for the upcoming year:
  1. Get Married (a no-brainer)
  2. Move to a new place (also pretty much a no-brainer)
  3. Get a different job
  4. Get back in the gym, and establish a regular routine
  5. Get at least one Voice-over gig
  6. Brew at least three batches of beer
  7. Travel at least four times (two of those are in the works now)
  8. Write a script (doesn't have to be long, just has to be finished)
  9. Read the Bible from beginning to end (pretty easy to do, just need to re-establish the routine).
Hopefully, having things online will establish some level of accountability. Here's looking forward to what promises to be a year of quite significant change. And in this case, change is good.


Anonymous said...

You're not liking where you live? Or is the moving to coincide with the getting married?

John said...

I like where I live for me, but it's a place to leave for someplace better. Also, it's not big enough for two.