Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Goal Update

Since I recently posted my goals online, I thought I'd maintain the accountability, and, on the first of the month, tell you how I'm doing:
  1. Get Married: Moving along quite nicely, thank you.
  2. Move to a new place: Not sure where yet, but it'll happen
  3. Get a different job: Done
  4. Get back in the gym, and establish a regular routine: Thought about it.
  5. Get at least one Voice-over gig: My first coaching session is tomorrow, which will ultimately lead to a demo, which will ultimately lead to a gig.
  6. Brew at least three batches of beer: Thought about it.
  7. Travel at least four times: 1 down, 3 to go.
  8. Write a script: Haven't even thought about it much.
  9. Read the Bible from beginning to end: At this rate, I'll have a lot of reading to do come December.
I like the idea of having the goal update at the beginning of each month. I think I'll keep that up.


David Larsen, fine artist said...

May I encourage number six on your list? I think, rather than worry about three batches, aim for one.
Here are the steps:

1. Pick a style that you like.
2. Find a recipe.
3. Set a date.
4. Buy (or borrow) the equipment.
5. Buy the ingredients.
6. Ask a bunch of questions.
7. Invite an expirienced brewer over, say Matt, if you feel unsure about it.
8. Finally, just do it.

It does not have to be perfect.

David Larsen, fine artist said...

BTW, Brian of Brian's Beer Blog is a recent Galactica convert. He seems like a kindred spirit, a beer brewing scifi fan.