Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mother's Day!

To all those who are of the maternal persuasion (to my knowledge, none read this blog, but someone might), Happy Mother's Day! Yesterday Heidi & I took my mom out to eat (at a Chinese banquet, of all places), then was the time of naps, followed by the packaging of the invitations. Today, we went to church with Heidi's folks at Willow Creek (the largest church in the world, in terms of building square footage), and Heidi made her mom a Tuscan style pork tenderloin. Mmmm mmm! Good eatin!

In other news, I've been back to being really tired lately. Admittedly, I'm busy, and I've started being more faithful with the seizure medication, which wipes me out, but this is kind of concerning. I sleep a lot more than I'm comfortable with, even without caffeine, and with vitamins, and with exercise and good nutrition and yadda yadda yadda. I hope this isn't a sign of something more annoying. Because that would suck.

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