Thursday, June 01, 2006

Goal Update 5

Since I posted my goals at the first of the year, I've been keeping folks apprised of how I'm doing with the whole goal business at the top of each month. In keeping with that tradition...

1. Get Married: Still coming along. We're really close to being done with the planning. We still have the last dregs of planning to deal with here and there, but we're almost ready to go. And we have to wait three more months. Oy. By the way, friends should expect to see their invitations late next week or early the following week.
2. Move to a new place: Found a gorgeous place in Schaumburg. Heidi's moving in on July 8th, I'm moving my stuff in in August, and we're paying three rents for both July and August, and then two rents in September (which helps to explain the tight financial thing).
3. Get a different job: Done
4. Get back in the gym, and establish a regular routine: Haven't returned to the gym since I tweaked my back. Part of that is because my temporary membership ended the day I quit the Body for Life Program, and I haven't bothered to renew. I need to do that.
5. Get at least one Voice-over gig: Demos are recorded and are being edited. I should hear something back shortly on that. Doesn't much matter. It doesn't look like I'm going to be able to duplicate them until late in the year anyway without some miracle.
6. Brew at least three batches of beer: Brew #1 is fermenting right now. 2 more will happen in the new place.
7. Travel at least four times: 2 down, 2 to go.
8. Write a script: Thought about it.
9. Read the Bible from beginning to end: It seems that when I get disappointed or pissed off, this is the first thing to go. In any case, it's been a rough month. I'll have a lot of reading to get done come the end of the year.


How do you know I'm not Liddy Wales? said...

Just out of curiosity, how much are you paying in rent right now? I'm thinking of moving if I can find someplace in the same general area for significantly less than I'm paying now.

John said...

$765. If I'm not mistaken, that's significantly more than you're paying now. But if you want to move in in the summer I'll give you a window air conditioner.

How do you know I'm not Liddy Wales? said...

Well, kinda more than I'm paying, anyway.
